Recipe Plus
Distributor of Pharmaceutical Products in Latvia
JSC Recipe Plus is one of the largest wholesale traders in Latvia, distributing pharmaceutical and healthcare products to pharmacies, healthcare centres, veterinary clinics and dental offices. As one of the first pharmaceutical wholesalers in Latvia, JSC Recipe Plus was established in 1995. As a result of continuous growth and development, the company has managed to become the leading wholesaler in Latvia.

Wide Range of Products

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Range of Goods for Dentistry

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Range of Goods for Veterinary

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Registration of Products / Products Handling

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Logistics Services

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Our Business Goals

We are competitive and working hard to become the first choice for clients. Thinking about the future, we invest in the development of the company so that our clients and business partners get the best quality, wide range of goods, and we develop mutual trust!
Biggest Latvian health care provider
  • Frequency of Delivery

    We are proud to focus on the efficiency and reliable delivery accuracy while providing our customers with high-quality products.

  • Availability of Products

    We continue to expand our assortment and improve our processes aiming at our customers would receive the necessary goods as soon as possible.

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    Additional Activities

    We are a socially responsible company that actively supports state and non-governmental organizations in attaining charitable purposes in health, culture and education.


We cooperate with more than 500 partners around the world. Recipe Plus distributes patented and generic medicines, medical devices to meet the demands of independent chemical pharmacies, pharmacy networks and other health care centres. We strive for excellence in providing the key elements the management of the supply chain.

Over 95% of the medical goods are available as out supplies and the most orders are shipped within one business day. We carry more than 30 000 product units of leading brands. Recipe Plus warehouse is located at: Riga, 41b Mukusalas Street; the total area is over 6000 m2. The premises and stocks are insured. The following temperature conditions are provided in the warehouse premises:

  • -20 °C
  • 2-8 °C
  • 8-15 °C
  • 15-25 °C

Over 500 business partners around the globe


We provide timely delivery of medicines to all pharmacies networks, such as Mēness aptieka, Euroaptieka, BENU, Apotheka and others. Every day we provide more than 3 thousand direct deliveries to pharmacies.

More than 3000 direct deliveries daily

Recipe Plus JSC is an important distribution structure for medicinal products and medical products that is part of the healthcare group RePharm, a public health care company in Latvia. RePharm group is a cluster of successful Latvian businesses operating in the field of health care. The group comprises Sentor Farm Aptiekas JSC, Recipe Plus JSC, Veselības Centru Apvienība JSC, Centrālā Laboratorija LLC, Rīgas Farmaceitiskā Fabrika JSC and Jonex-Farma LLC.

Mēness aptieka

Pharmacy company Mēness Aptieka is the brand of JSC Sentor Farm Aptiekas, with more than 230 pharmacies throughout Latvia. These are both modern pharmacies in the capital and small ones in regions; they are located in both trade centres and outpatient clinics, and in other medical institutions and around them. Our company provides a number of round-the-clock pharmacy activities, as well as manufacture of medicines in a pharmacy. With the Company’s support pharmacists of Mēness Aptieka improve their knowledge on a continuous basis aiming at that a patient of each pharmacy would get the best pharmaceutical care. Each month over 700 000 of our customers receive high-quality pharmaceutical care. Taking into account the recognition of the brand of Mēness Aptieka, many years of experience and successful activities, the company has developed a franchise model offered to its partners. It encompasses professional collaboration, comprising diverse types of support, starting from pharmacy arrangment system and information technology, up to marketing and customer loyalty programs. Mēness Aptieka is the first pharmacy that offers the use of mobile applications and since 2017 it provides online shopping at web-site The professionalism of pharmacists in care and the company's interest in customer service every day earnestly contributes to the growth of Mēness Aptieka.

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Recipe Plus

The leading pharmaceutical and healthcare products wholesale company, which provides supplies of medicines and other pharmacy products to all pharmacies, health care centres, veterinary clinics and dental offices in Latvia.

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VCA Out-patient Clinic

The best medical care professionals work at the out-patient clinics with state-of-the-art technologies of Joint Stock Company Veselības Centru Apvienība (VCA), providing patients with the highest level of medical care - professional diagnosis, comprehensive counselling, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention on-site in twenty out-patient health care centres. VCA out-patient clinics are located in all districts of Riga, Jurmala, Daugavpils and Liepaja, providing easy access to the best health care professionals near their living or working place to each inhabitant of these cities and towns. There is also the private clinic AIWA, which provides high-end services and state-of-the-art medical equipment for the needs of patients.

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Centrālā laboratorija

LLC Centrālā Laboratorija is a company established in 1995, which has developed into one of the largest and most modern laboratories in the Baltics. Over 300 employees work at 50 branches of the company. The laboratory has a wide logistics network, which enables the transportation of the investigated material throughout Latvia.

LLC Centrālā Laboratorija regularly and sussessfully takes part in external quality assessment programs:

  • Labquality (Finland)
  • UK NEQAS (United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Schemes)
  • EARSS (European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System)
  • QCS (Quality Control Service), Roche Diagnostics (France)
  • RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme)

The company's employees constantly upgrade their skills by participating in international seminars and conferences, as well as in-house seminars.

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Rīgas farmaceitiskā fabrika

Rīgas Farmaceitiskā Fabrika is one of the largest producers of the state herbal remedies in the Baltics with a long history of production. The company started its activities in 1950. RFF manufactures 120 various products that are sold in Latvia and abroad. Treatment medication, containing a medicinal herbage or substances derived from processing thereof make up about 80% of the total output of the plant, they are both herbal teas and galenicals - mono tincture and combined drops, prescription and over-the-counter medicines, innovative nutritive supplements, herbal national cosmetic preparations and food teas.

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LLC Jonex-Farma is one of Repharm holding companies that make up the private brand – Jonax products of Mēness Aptieka pharmacies. At present the range of Jonax products includes more than 130 various products. The most significant novelty in 2017 is the introduction of the Elite line of food supplements, which already today has gained popularity among customers. The company continuously concerns about extending the range of products, especially regarding product quality.

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  • Mēness aptieka

    Pharmacy network
  • Recipe Plus

    Medicine wholesaler
  • VCA Out-patient Clinic

    Association of Medical Centers
  • Centrālā laboratorija

    Medical laboratory network
  • Rīgas farmaceitiskā fabrika

    Herbal remedy producer
  • Jonex-Farma

    Jonax brand holder